I'm just a little voice crying out from the desert, "Lord, I am here to do Your Will."

Monday, October 31, 2011

An Exercise in trust

This weekend I went to a Catholic Charismatic Conference to grow closer to God.  I'm sure most of the people attended for the same reason.  It was wonderful and joyous!  Healing and holy.  The speakers were inspiring and the healing service powerful. On the first night as we were praising and praying I told God that we are hungry and longing for Him, not just for this weekend but always. And for Him to speak to us, for the Holy Spirit to come to us.

 The next day I received a word from Jesus, "Come to me.  Don't be afraid to trust in me."  Later in the afternoon at the healing service Bishop Sam Jacobs lead prayers of petition for healing, naming many ailments, both mental and physical.  After each petition we would pray in the Spirit and I lifted up as many people as I could think of.  When I was to name what I wanted healed in me the word fear came to my mind and I asked for this healing.  Then I forgot all about it.  When the Bishop was finished the prayer groups were stationed around the room and I went to one where my dear friend was.  They prayed over me and I asked for healing according to God's will. Many things came to my mind and I was hopeful that these would all be healed. After the session my dear friend came up to me with an envelope saying that the Holy Spirit had asked her to give it to me.  It contained $250 in cash.  I told her I didn't need it but she insisted that the Holy Spirit wanted me to have it. 

It was an awesome Conference!!!!!  After it was over I went to visit a friend of mine who lived close to Raleigh.  When I was leaving I stopped and put a quart of oil in the van because the oil light came on.  Then stopped to get something to eat which cost around $4.70.  I started down the highway and 20 minutes later the van started acting up and then stopped completely.  It wouldnt start back up and when I tried to use my phone it had died because it wasn't taking a charge.  So there I sat with no way to contact help.    I put my hood up and stood by the car to get someone to help me but to no avail.  I had my flashers on and still no help.  I got in the car and looked in the rear-view mirror and saw people swerving toward me and then catching themselves and straightening out their cars.  It was around 4:30 pm and I was concerned that it was getting dark soon and I decided to get out and walk the mile back to the exit and find a gas station with a phone.  Nobody even honked or stopped.  I told The Lord that no matter what happens, whether it be good or bad I asked for His will and put my trust in Him completely.  The funny thing is that I wasn't afraid.  I was concerned, but not afraid.  I kept praying Hail Marys.  When I was almost at the exit a state trooper stopped and picked me up.  We got to the top of the ramp of the exit and noticed that there were no stations to be seen. We drove almost 2 miles to find a gas station.  I clearly may have been discouraged if I had walked all that way!  The van was towed and is being worked on now.  My friend who I visited came and picked me up and took me to the exit I take to go home and my husband picked me up from there.  When they totaled up the bill for the towing it came to $245 because it was Sunday!  I am so grateful to The Lord for his blessings, fidelity and gentle care.  And this exercise in trust. I pray I did grow a little bit closer!

"I trusted, even when I said:
'I am sorely afflicted!'
and when I said in my alarm:
'No man can be trusted."

How can I repay the Lord
for his goodness to me?
The cup of salvation I will raise,
I will call on the Lord's name."
-Psalm 116